Tag Archives: Wisdom and Nurture

Going Gray Gracefully?

Going Gray Gracefully?

DixieThe Bravery of going gray!

Are you Going Gray gracefully or going gray kicking and screaming all the way.  Aging is difficult enough without the additional burden of going gray!  I look around and see some people wear it well while others of us simply get mousy and old.

My very good friend went gray early and dyed her hair for years.  Finally, one day she decided – enough is enough and went totally gray.  Her hair is gorgeous, her face is softened, her beauty is enhanced.  I only hope to be that lucky.

The New York Times profiled a group of women who organized a mini-demonstration that featured a “band of silver-haired marchers” who descended upon Times Square to bring in the noise, bring in the funk — hair color-style. Awesomely named the Silver Sisters Strut, co-organizer and model/blogger/brand Cindy Joseph said “[w]e are the women that we wished we would have had in our lives, if they weren’t busy getting their hair dyed.”

Aging is often hidden and marginalized in our society, and it’s thrilling to see women embracing a hair color and style that some consider undesirable because of its implications about age and sexuality.

All that being true, I still don’t know what I’ll do when I start to go gray. Am I a wimp because I’m not sure I’ll have the confidence to rock the sleek silver hair?


photo by: Faith R

The Dalai Lama meets The Dalai-Nana

The Dalai Lama meets The Dalai-Nana

The Dalai Lama

His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, is both the temporal and the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He frequently states that his life is guided by three major commitments: the promotion of basic human values or human happiness, the fostering of inter-religious harmony and the welfare of the Tibetan people, particularly the survival of their identity, culture and religion.

The Dalai-Nana

Her Grandness, The Dalai-Nana, is both the timeless nurturer of all children and the lover of the most interesting people in the world – her Grandchildren.  She often  tells her friends that her life is guided by three major commitments:  the promotion of her grandchildren’s happiness, the fostering of family harmony and the survival of her families identity, culture and religion.    Oh, and some times a little search for adventure and knowledge!

The Dalai-Nana

So join me as we explore the adventures of grandmothers and grandchildren.  Help me seek wisdom and guidance to share with them and Share with us your best.

Digital Dalai-Nana

As a Digital Marketer, it seems only fair to share the knowledge I have accumulated about digital tools, techniques, programs, marketing and products with Baby Boomers, Grandparents, and the people who love them.  There is so much change on the internet and with smart phones and with the lives we are all leading, I try to consolidate this to relevent content for Boomers.  Watch for the series of interesting things that The Digital Dalai-Nana  Shares .