Category Archives: The Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is a Tibetan Buddhist leader and according to Tibetan Buddhist doctrine, the Dalai Lama is the manifestation of compassion. His Holiness is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He frequently states that his life is guided by three major commitments: the promotion of basic human values or secular ethics in the interest of human happiness, the fostering of inter-religious harmony and the welfare of the Tibetan people, focusing on the survival of their identity, culture and religion.

How to handle a child that has been a victim of a bully

How to handle a child that has been a victim of a bully

How to handle a child that has been a victim of a bullyAs a grandparent, I worry about my grandchildren who will soon enter into middle school. Articles and news reports rampant school bullying not only in the United States but also in other countries. It has become global and every parent or guardian should do something about it.

Based on my observations on the reports and documentaries, some kids may have traumatic experiences that may have a negative effect during their adolescence or even adulthood. Unfortunately, amidst the social issues present in day-to-day school interaction, there are many bullying cases that are left unreported which can cause low self-esteem and depression in a child. Read the rest of this entry

Reasons to Use Positive Affirmations

Reasons to Use Positive Affirmations

positive-affirmationsWouldn’t it be nice to wake up each day feeling good about yourself? Isn’t it great to feel happy, energized and motivated at all times?  Having these emotions everyday can bring success and abundance into your life.

Affirmations are feel good thoughts and statements. They help a person to be positive about themselves and better able to handle difficult aspects of their life. A person can do affirmations to have good health, wealth, joy and success.  Read the rest of this entry

Obama meets the Dahli Lama – – – Next The Dolly Nana?

Obama meets the Dahli Lama – – – Next The Dolly Nana?

Controversial Meeting with the Dalai Lama

So Obama met with the Dalai Lama this week and the Chinese were not happy about it.  Why should they be?  They think the U.S. is supporting the people of Tibet who refuse to accept the rule of the Chinese.  I do not pretend to know the intricacies of these relationships but it seems to me that although we espouse freedom, we get ourselves in trouble by not really supporting it – ie Egypt and the Middle East Spring, the Shah of Iran, etc.  But then there is also the other issue of our debt to China and the fact that we are beholding to them.  What?  Why?  When did we let this happen?

A Better Meeting for Obama…The Dolly Nana

The fact is that President Barack Obama would be better served if he met with The Dolly Nana and discussed ways to improve the future of our children.  Sure his kids are doing great but with roughly 10% of the US unemployed and another 15% underemployed, most kids are not doing so great.  Additionally, the debt that we are placing on their heads is oppressive and should be illegal.  True, he is not completely responsible for the financial situation we are in at this time but he asked for the job and he got it so he must be accountable.  Major, major changes are needed and it starts with the idea of spending what you earn.  Right now, our government is not earning much but distrust and cynicism.

In a recent discussion with my grandchildren I was taken aback by their reaction to the idea of  overwhelming debt.  One was very knowledgeable and angry.  Another was unaware and became visibly upset by the concept.  Of course it was who was upset and we spent several hours discussing how we got to this point and some options to solve the situation.  I am sure his thoughts are at least as valid as those of Obama or Congress.  If Obama met with the Dolly Nana, he would be charmed but  disarmed.  China would not care and there would be no repercussions.  So why not,  Mr. President?

The Dalai Lama meets The Dalai-Nana

The Dalai Lama meets The Dalai-Nana

The Dalai Lama

His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, is both the temporal and the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He frequently states that his life is guided by three major commitments: the promotion of basic human values or human happiness, the fostering of inter-religious harmony and the welfare of the Tibetan people, particularly the survival of their identity, culture and religion.

The Dalai-Nana

Her Grandness, The Dalai-Nana, is both the timeless nurturer of all children and the lover of the most interesting people in the world – her Grandchildren.  She often  tells her friends that her life is guided by three major commitments:  the promotion of her grandchildren’s happiness, the fostering of family harmony and the survival of her families identity, culture and religion.    Oh, and some times a little search for adventure and knowledge!

The Dalai-Nana

So join me as we explore the adventures of grandmothers and grandchildren.  Help me seek wisdom and guidance to share with them and Share with us your best.

Digital Dalai-Nana

As a Digital Marketer, it seems only fair to share the knowledge I have accumulated about digital tools, techniques, programs, marketing and products with Baby Boomers, Grandparents, and the people who love them.  There is so much change on the internet and with smart phones and with the lives we are all leading, I try to consolidate this to relevent content for Boomers.  Watch for the series of interesting things that The Digital Dalai-Nana  Shares .