Making the Best of the Christmas Season
The Best Christmas Season Memories and Activities are personal and significant. I am taking a moment to reflect on my holiday joys, memories and activities to share some of the things that make Christmas season so special. While planning my holiday hassles, it is important to remember why we look forward to this season every year. I invite you all to share your memories, pleasant or not, and perhaps over time we can create a collection of our best memories and activities.
Top of the List of Christmas Memories is Always the Nativity Scene
As a child, I could not wait to get out the decorations and was always most touched with the nativity scene and each
year said a silent prayer when placing the baby Jesus in the manger. Our nativity was a painted ceramic and not at all what one would consider “fine”.
When I married, my in laws had a beautiful white porcelain nativity which I secretly hoped to call my own one day. But apparently, I was not the only one with that in mind and it has been given to someone else.

About 20 years ago, my husband bought me the most beautiful Boehm Nativity Scene with an exquisite Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. It is the centerpiece of my decorations.
Last year, when my granddaughter helped me with decorating the house, we took great care, more than required time and loving reflection when placing the Nativity. I explained to her how we had to keep the Nativity scene and the Santa scenes separate and apart and how the Nativity was what really mattered. She understood completely.
Of course, my favorite has always been the living nativity scenes where people play the role of Mary, Joseph, Shepherds, Angels and Wise Men. As a child, the Church had a wonderful scene that went for 10 nights and my teacher often played the role of Mary.
Do children still enjoy these things or are they so bombarded with stimulus that it has no meaning? I think we should make every effort to impart the wonder of this story and how special it is that we are allowed to celebrate the birth of Christ every year.