Category Archives: Dalai-Nana’s Loves

Children, Grandchildren and what makes them special!

An Emoji Tutorial For Moms and Grand Moms

An Emoji Tutorial For Moms and Grand Moms

Do you ever feel like you need a translator to interpret your kids’ or young co-workers’ text messages? You’re not alone.


We are living in a day and age where actually talking on the phone, like voice-to-voice, ear-to-ear style, has become a laborious, inconvenient rarity. People can have an entire text conversation without typing a single word! That said, it is essential that anyone born prior to 1980 gets up to speed on modern communication lest we all become obsolete and illiterate. Read the rest of this entry

Halloween Trick or Treat Bonding Ideas with Your Grandchildren

Halloween Trick or Treat Bonding Ideas with Your Grandchildren

halloween ideasHalloween will fall on the weekend this year. It’s a great time to bond with your grandchildren and give them a little scary yet a fun experience this Halloween weekend. My all time favorite Halloweens have been with my grandchildren.  We like to start the holiday with a trip to the Nashville Zoo where we enjoy “Boo at the Zoo”.  My favorites are the hayride and the dragon.  Aunt K always gives the kiddies special attention at her “Event”.  Here are a few ideas to give them a night to remember. Read the rest of this entry

How to Become a Supportive Grandparent

How to Become a Supportive Grandparent

Even though my grandchildren live a couple of miles away from home, I always try to show my care and affection to them. There’s no denying my magical connection with them and that being with them makes me incredibly happy. That’s why I make the most of my time being a supportive grandparent.

supportive grandparent Read the rest of this entry

Wondrous World Book Review

Wondrous World Book Review

Wondrous World of McCamyLast month, I wrote an article about storytelling and shared with you a website that I bumped into while scouting for a book to give to my  grandchildren. While reading a few pages of the Wonderous Ink website, I didn’t have any hesitation. I ordered online and requested a copy. I gave the name of my granddaughter so the book artist and writer could use the letters of her name to describe the main character in the story.

A few weeks later, a special parcel was sent to her doorstep. I am very pleased to see the result.  The story was lovely and the finishing of the the book was perfect. The book is titled “The Wondrous World of McCamy”. My little angel got the book. Her mom said it was like Christmas in summertime as McCamy couldn’t contain her excitement and joy upon receiving her gift. They sat down, enjoyed the lovely colors and read the book together.  I wish I could have been there with her but this little thank you is good enough for Nana.   Read the rest of this entry

Summer Activities to Enjoy with your Grandchildren

Summer Activities to Enjoy with your Grandchildren

grandparent-grandchildren-bondingI love having time in summer for special activities to enjoy with my grandchildren.  What’s your favorite time of the year? Some may say Winter as they like the holiday rush. Some will say autumn or spring as they love the falling leaves or flowers in full bloom. While many, including me and my grandchildren love summer! It’s the time of the year when school is out and everyone loves to go out and enjoy nature. Or even time to kick back and chill in the air conditioning. Read the rest of this entry