Michael, Michael The Doughnut Maker

Michael, Michael The Doughnut Maker

One of my favorite times of the year is Thanksgiving because it’s all about warmth, food, family and of course, giving thanks.  Every year my grandchildren’s school holds an open house and puts on a great program just for grandparents.  It is called Grandparent’s Chocolate…which probably came from someone identifying their two best things in the world.

The children prepare skits, songs, poems and pictures to entertain us and then we get to visit their classroom to see what they are learning and where they sit and meet their teachers.   It is great to get to share that with them and helps us become more involved in their lives.  We also get our photo with each one of the kids (we have 4 at this school so we have a lot of photos).

In the third grade the children show us their Flat Katie and tell us about her great adventures at the Cubs game, Seattle trip and going to the American girl store.

In first grade the children get to draw a picture of what they will be when they grow up.  There are firemen and policemen, there are Doctors and Nurses, there are astronauts and even Supermen but I think Michael has the best idea ever  –

When Michael grows up, he wants to be a doughnut maker.  Because he says it makes it more likely that he can have doughnuts for breakfast which is, after all, the real reason one grows up anyway.  And doughnuts were easier to draw than rocket ships 🙂

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