What to do when I’m 62

What to do when I’m 62

What to do when I’m 62?

My daughter, who is 32, looks forward and thinks 62 is an age to retire.

Aunt Onie

My Aunt, who is 92, looks back on 62 as an age to kick up your heels and live it up. I think I will agree with My Aunt.  Here is Onie on what she would do if she were 62 again.  It is interesting to consider our ages from various perspectives.

Although just 100 years ago a person of the advanced age of 62 would have out lived the life expectancy by 15 years, today, we are just hitting our prime. Since my family history has very long life lines, I can look at 62 as truly middle age.

So what will I do now that I am 62?

  • Edit a video and post to Youtube
  • Write a blog post
  • Putter in the Garden
  • Get a lot of Birthday wishes on Facebook and Google+
  • Talk to a few friends
  • Go to an Art Show with friends
  • Have dinner with the love of my life
  • Skype with my granddaughter
  • Go to Lower Broad and Honky Tonk it up!

But When I’m 64…

The Beatles made the age 64 seem to be the end of life as we know it with the song “Will you still Love Me When I’m 64”.  I suspect they have learned that yes, they are still loved at 64.  In the US there is so much discussion about Health Care, Entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare that I wonder if we will see changes in our life expectancy based on the health care provided to those over 65.

2 Responses »

  1. Happy Birthday, MaryLynn! I love your mom’s philosophy. I’m older than 62, but I am feeling reborn these days. We never know what’s ahead of us and how much we still have to learn, know and feel.

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