Category Archives: Best of the Web

Weekly collection of the Web’s best videos, stories and pictures

An Emoji Tutorial For Moms and Grand Moms

An Emoji Tutorial For Moms and Grand Moms

Do you ever feel like you need a translator to interpret your kids’ or young co-workers’ text messages? You’re not alone.


We are living in a day and age where actually talking on the phone, like voice-to-voice, ear-to-ear style, has become a laborious, inconvenient rarity. People can have an entire text conversation without typing a single word! That said, it is essential that anyone born prior to 1980 gets up to speed on modern communication lest we all become obsolete and illiterate. Read the rest of this entry

Pet Care – Looking After Your Pets

Pet Care – Looking After Your Pets

Having a pet at home is a great experience. Pets are excellent companions and can be good family members. Being a responsible pet owner is a big undertaking. You must be willing to commit and be able to look after them day in, day out.

Being a good parent to your pet is essential. Here are some points to remember to help you get started caring for a dog or a cat.  Read the rest of this entry

Home Elevator Lifts – Are Residential Elevators a Must Have?

Home Elevator Lifts – Are Residential Elevators a Must Have?

Okay, I am not quite ready to call myself “Elderly” and neither are you but I am thinking about how it will be best to change my lifestyle in preparation for getting older. I recently had two knees replaced and so now I am able to go up and down steps with little to no pain but prior to the knee surgery, climbing the two flights of steps into my home was exhausting and painful.

One of the items we considered was adding an elevator to our home. The Baby Boomers generation’s increasing desire to age in place is driving the concept installation of elevators or lifts in homes. Because of our generation’s contributions to science accompanied by technology’s rampant innovation, these residential lifts are becoming a desirable home amenity for us Boomers.

Just the thought of having elevators installed at our very own house sounded cool especially if I could program my own elevator music. But unfortunately, to have one installed at my home would definitely cost us a fortune. However, because of technological advancement we experience year after year, these machines are now quite a bit more affordable than two to three decades ago.  Read the rest of this entry

98 yr old Computer Painter

98 yr old Computer Painter

98 Yr Old continues to paint using computer

Hal Lasko, better known as Grandpa, worked as a graphic artist back when everything was done by hand. His family introduced him to the computer and Microsoft Paint long after he retired. Now he paints with his computer.

pixel painter

Known as the pixel painter, Hal’s work is incredibly detailed even though he basically blind.  The computer allows him to magnify and focus on certain areas and you can actually see the actual pixels.  According to his family he can’t stop talking about his art.  Now he can paint what he wants vs what his clients want.

Don’t you love that technology can open new avenues even as one door closes….

Beauty and Aging from 1 to 100

Beauty and Aging from 1 to 100

Beauty and Aging from 1 to 100

Brilliant look at individuals in all their beauty as they age from 1 to 100. The thing that was so apparent is how difficult it is to determine one’s age by their appearance.  I could kind of get the first 10 years and could tell that those in their 90s were older than those in their 60s but beyond that, it was really hard to tell.

Additionally it struck me that beauty was so much more apparent in the elders than in the youngers.  The richness of life played out on their features and their answers.  There were other signs of beauty in the person’s face, their voice, their spunk and their gaze.  How do we honor that type of beauty?

Honoring Internal Beauty

Honoring Internal beauty seems to be more prevalent in other societies than it is in USA.  We are so obsessed with outward appearance that we overlook the true beauty of a person.  It reminds me of the Dustin Hoffman interview on playing the role of Dorothy in Tootsie.

How often do we overlook or look down on those with real beauty in deference to those with surface beauty.  Miley Cyrus is a shining example of how we, as a society, pay so much attention to physical beauty (or in her case extremism) and give them so much media attention that even you do not want to see or hear it, you cannot avoid it.

Compare this to Malala, a beautiful soul, that has awakened the world to the plight of girls in the face of the Taliban and the need for education of girls all over the world.  She met with the President and we saw a few token photo opps of this, Malala absolutely floored Jon Stewart and left him speechless and if you watch his show or found the video you would be amazed.  But for the most part, we just know that she is still alive.

What is wrong with human nature?