Baby Boomers created the Consumer Economy
The Consumer Economy is based on Baby Boomer consumption. Baby Boomers created this Consumer Economy and now that we are beginning to downsize, the whole thing is falling apart. Business and Marketers have not kept up with our needs and therefore, what I want, what you want, what 80 billion people want we cannot find. To revive the Consumer Economy and Baby Boomer purchases we need to create:
- I want a smaller home but with the conveniences and elegance found in larger homes
- I want clothes designed to look good on a mature body not a stick
- I want intellectually stimulating television not another version of what I want to be when I grow up
- I want movies with perspective not just random shoot em ups
- I want food sized and spiced appropriately – I do not burn 1000 calories an hour any more – and I want it priced right too.
- I want respect from the media and politicians
- I want a car that looks cool (not old foggy) but is easy to get in and out of gracefully
- I want services that can help with things I no longer want to do – yard work, house work etc but I want it to be reasonably priced – $50 hour is too high
- I want patience and consideration for retail clerks
- I want hair that does not look like I gave up
- I want make up that does not clump in my creases
- I want public transportation that is comfortable and safe
- I want exercise options that do not make me feel like a failure
- I want food packaged for two
- I want to see mature romance without the advertisement for viagra or ciallis
Retiring Baby Boomers need to develop a substitute community – one that substitutes our work colleagues. Consider getting another job, joining a health club or maybe get involved in a religious group We might want to consider volunteering at a local school or organization….;.
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