Summer Activities to Enjoy with your Grandchildren

Summer Activities to Enjoy with your Grandchildren

grandparent-grandchildren-bondingI love having time in summer for special activities to enjoy with my grandchildren.  What’s your favorite time of the year? Some may say Winter as they like the holiday rush. Some will say autumn or spring as they love the falling leaves or flowers in full bloom. While many, including me and my grandchildren love summer! It’s the time of the year when school is out and everyone loves to go out and enjoy nature. Or even time to kick back and chill in the air conditioning.

Here are a few of the countless summer activities that you and your grandchildren can do together for weekend bonding that are fun and be memorable for you and the kids.

Visit the nearest zoo.

A great and relaxing way to spend time together with your grandkids is to visit the nearest zoo. Not only do you have fun together but the trip itself is educational.  A trip to the zoo  allows them to interact and learn about animals. It’s also a means for you to introduce the responsibilities of caring for animals and even pet ownership.  I particularly enjoy this activity because one of my daughter’s works at the zoo in my city.  She is able to get us special behind the scenes tours.  We have been able to play with baby clouded leopards, baby giraffes, baby kangaroos and visit many other animals not on display for the general public.  Lucky me!!

Teach them how to bike.

Kids these days are all into techie gadgets. They spend so many hours on their device that often  they have no idea how fun it is just to go outside, play in the mud or just simply take a quick bike ride. You can take them for a quick walk in the park and from there, rent a bike a two. Don’t worry if it’s their first time riding a bike, there are beginner bikes to be rented such as those with training wheels and maybe even a sidecar. From there, you can teach them how to pedal and eventually find their balance.

Go kayaking or rowing.

Water activities are best done during summer season. For a non-thrilling water experience, you can invite them over to the nearest lake or ocean for some kayaking or boat rowing. It’s a relaxing experience that you’ll both and the entire group will enjoy. Here’s a video of my little princess singing for Anacostia Watershed Society. Enjoy!


Anacostia Watershed Society from Stone Soup Films on Vimeo.

If your kids are older and you are looking for more adventure, try whitewater rafting.  Its a great time for kids and adults alike.

Indoor Activities

Play games.  Learn some card tricks. Create scavenger hunts. Build sheet forts.  Bake a cake.  You get the idea. Whatever you choose to do with the grandkids, just be sure to make it fun for you as well as for them!!!

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