Halloween Trick or Treat Bonding Ideas with Your Grandchildren

Halloween Trick or Treat Bonding Ideas with Your Grandchildren

halloween ideasHalloween will fall on the weekend this year. It’s a great time to bond with your grandchildren and give them a little scary yet a fun experience this Halloween weekend. My all time favorite Halloweens have been with my grandchildren.  We like to start the holiday with a trip to the Nashville Zoo where we enjoy “Boo at the Zoo”.  My favorites are the hayride and the dragon.  Aunt K always gives the kiddies special attention at her “Event”.  Here are a few ideas to give them a night to remember.

Host a costume party.

Make everyone who’s going to your party to dress up and portray a character they like. Encourage your grandchildren by giving out a prize for the best-dressed or scariest costume. Make sure to dress up yourself and document each costume with solo and group photographs. For votes, you can simply share the photos and whoever gets the most likes wins the prize!

Get creative in serving finger foods and snacks.

A halloween party needs snacks and food to keep the party alive and kicking. Make time to bake and decorate cupcakes that have a scary feel to it. Use a bloody red fondant for your designs or any design that has a ‘scary’ factor – shapes of bats, tooth, etc. You can also try to cook a different cuisine. Have you tried black spaghetti? It seems a little odd but it’s worth a try! Here’s a link for this must-try recipe.  How about the ever popular squash guts?  Or eyeball soup?

Share ghost stories with your grandkids.

Almost everyone has their own scary and eerie stories to tell. This is the best time to share your thrilling experiences with your grandchildren! Dim the lights, hand them headlamps or flashlight for an added thrill and try your very best to tell them your ghost story. At the end of the story, make sure to give them a moral and assurance that things are okay and there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Watch a scary movie together.

Casper is a classic movie that can be seen by children of any age. Watching a feel-good movie after your Halloween party allows everybody to sit down, relax and possibly take a good night’s sleep. Make everyone comfortable by arranging your living room and lay down mats and pillows for the children to sleep on.

Time is everybody’s enemy. While they are still young and you’re still able, take advantage of the time and energy. Make memories and see them grow. Happy Halloween!

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