What I am thankful for This Thanksgiving

What I am thankful for This Thanksgiving

What is  Thanksgiving?

Before I tell you about all the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving I  want to make sure you know about Thanksgiving. The American National Thanksgiving day is the fourth Thursday in November.  The holiday is set aside to honor the Native Americans who saved the European settlers by sharing food with them.  On this day, family and friends gather to share a feast as they give thanks for all the blessings they have received. To make this once-a-year celebration festive, people spend time preparing food to be served and celebrated in the dinner table – the traditional turkey, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce side dishes like sweet potatoes and corn.

Some of my Thankful Things this Thanksgiving

Saying grace should be practiced in day-to-day life. But when our day gets rough, we forget to be thankful for the blessings regardless how big or small it is. Gladly, Thanksgiving gives us the time to evaluate and reflect on all the things we are grateful for. Here’s a big picture list of what I am grateful for:

  • I am grateful for the gift of life. It’s been a rollercoaster ride for many years but I’m still here, breathing perfectly.Dalai Nana and Old Faithful x 2
  • I am thankful for having a great family, friends, relatives and colleagues who support me all the way, even when we go down the wire.
  • I give thanks to my health, it has gotten better than last years thanks to the wonders of knee replacement.  I am grateful for my parent’s health, my husband’s health, my children’s and grandchildren’s as well.
  • I am thankful to have a very loving husband, my best friend. We may have been pulled kicking and screaming but we have happily celebrated 45 years of being together.
  • I am thankful to have a nice home to keep me warm and comfortable where there is also access to food and water.
  • I am full of thanks to have work as it brings food at the table. Many people are still unfortunate in this regard.
  • I am thankful for mother nature as I am privileged to have travelled to beautiful places and experienced scenes I’ve never seen before this year.
  • I am most grateful for all the mistakes I made. It made me a better and stronger person this year.
  • I am grateful for the times to laugh, the times to cry, the times to question, the times to wonder and the times to share.
  • And I am thankful for for all the things I failed to mention here that greatly contribute where I am today.

I know you have a long list to be thankful for. I recommend you jot it down as putting it into writing and using them to your daily affirmation is uplifting. I’d like to grab this unique opportunity to say thanks for reading my post. What are you thankful for?

Some Personal Thanks!


As I was reading that list I realized that this past year has been full of many small things and specific people or actions that I am thankful for as well, in no particular order:

  • A visit from my long time friend Lynn who I first met when we were 6.
  • A trip with Nancy and hubby that put me face to face with a buffalo, bear, elk and more.
  • The publishing of my mother’s book which celebrated her life and her family history and gives our whole family an appreciation for the hardships endured so that we can live here happily today.
  • Our rescue dog, Archie – I think I am grateful for this but the jury is still out.
  • Healthy recovery of many loved ones including Lee, Lisa, Paul, Jan, and more
  • The success of my grandchildren from winning state tournaments in math, cross country awards, scoring touchdowns, champion soccer teams, honor roll, new school success, driving licenses, and more.
  • My daughters and their families who are more precious than I can say.
  • My weekly breakfasts with Linda.
  • The new friends I have made who have shown me that its not too late to change, it is not past time to enjoy and I am not to old to contribute.
  • I am am grateful for you!
All the Grand Kids

All the Grand Kids

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