Have you recently misplaced your smartphone or perhaps accidentally had it stolen? Fret not! There’s an app for that! This app allows you to locate your gadget. You can also use it to find your spouse’s, children’s or even anybody’s phone or droid!
I, for one, often misplace my phone and searching for it took a lot of my precious time. So what I did is to look for a good app that I can conveniently use to help me locate my phone quickly! There’s a wide array of apps available on the market for Android and iOS. You can simply download and use just in case your phone gets stolen or has been misplaced.
Here’s a list of apps (both paid and free):
RemoteRinger, Phone Finder App
RemoteRinger helps you to find your phone in “SILENT” mode by making the phone ring by sending a SMS with access code to your number. To make the feature work, send a message using this format:
default format – ring#on; Password protected – ring#”password” (eg., ring#pass123)
Find my Phone
The Find My Phone app’s fantastic feature is its ability to track a missing, lost or stolen phone. This app uses secure data from cell phone companies to track and display the phone location on the Find My Phone map. For this feature to be fully operational, the app needs to be installed on both your phone and the phone of the person you want to track or locate.
Where’s my Droid
The Where’s my Droid app allows you to make your phone’s volume ring on high even if was on low ringer, vibrate or silent mode. You can also set an attention word to have the phone send back GPS location so you can easily track it down.
Device Locator
The Device Locator app will track your phone via GPS, and allows you to track multiple devices. You can make and send a note on how to return your unit to whoever has your device. It is also equipped with an alarm, which is very useful for misplaced phones. You can also activate the feature where your smartphone can take a photo remotely – very helpful to identify who is holding your device.
GPS Tracker
GPS tracker is a free app which allows you to set up geo-fencing boundaries to notify you when a phone has been taken beyond those limits. It will try to locate your device via GPS, WiFi or cell tower triangulation, and will let you track multiple devices. Another of its awesome feature is it allows you to password protect the phone remotely.