Who can Wrap Christmas Presents for Grandkids better than Aunt Chippy?
If you are like me, you love everything about Christmas except wrapping Christmas presents for Grandkids. Sometimes the wrapping itself is worth more than the little trinket of love you are giving but still you have to wrap it up. The kids don’t really care cause they rip into the paper and never even look at the pains taken to wrap it. And the gifts for kids are either too big or too small for the wrapping to work.
I had a rule when my kids were small. All the presents from Santa had to be in paper they had never seen before so the paper had to be hidden as well as the gifts until I was ready to wrap. Then all Christmas presents to other kids in the family had to be wrapped in Santa paper. I tried to carry this forward for wrapping Christmas presents for my Grandkids but those little bags are just so terribly handy that I could not bring myself to wrap the present instead of dropping it in a Christmas bag with tissue on top. This makes even me look like I know how to wrap.
My daughters all have different styles of wrapping presents. The oldest one simply wraps and goes without too much fanfare and although the gifts look nice enough, the wrapping is not the point. The middle one wraps each gift beautifully so that even the wrapping is a gift in itself. The youngest one is a ‘save the earth’ type so she uses brown paper bags, newspaper and other methods of wrapping uniquely her own. I must admit though that I love beautifully wrapped presents. Its a shame that I have never, ever mastered that skill. So this video from “Aunt Chippy” simply cracked me up because I can so relate to the problems she faces.