Tag Archives: Margaret Wise Brown

Digital Children's Books

Digital Children's Books

Digital Children’s Books – are They replacing the ones we read?

Well fortunately, some of the great classics are becoming digital and so children will still read the classics but just so you stay relevant this holiday, take a look at some of the favorite gifts of this year!

The Ultimate Guide to Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryThe Ultimate Guide to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

by Valarie Budayr & Roscoe Welply

Level: Grades 1 and Above
Available on iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

This book written by my friend Valerie is the second in a series and really a great gift.

Literary Classic “Goodnight Moon” Comes To The iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch – 

Goodnight Moon

Goodnight Moon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

New York TimesLiterary Classic “Goodnight Moon” Comes To The iPhone, iPad, and iPod TouchSacramento Bee8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Loud Crow Interactive, award-winning publisher of digital children’s books, in partnership with HarperCollins Publishers, a …

Written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd, Goodnight Moon is one of the best-selling children’s storybooks of all time. More than 60 million copies of the book have been sold since it was first published in 1947.

Parents Primed to Buy Devices and Ebooks for Their Kids This Holiday Season … – Digital Book World

Parents Primed to Buy Devices and Ebooks for Their Kids This Holiday Season …Digital Book WorldNearly 40% of parents with children aged 2-to-13 who read ebooks plan to purchase a new e-reading device for their children this holiday season, according to the study from New York-based children’s research firm PlayScience and Digital Book World.

Digital Sage for Grandparents