Tag Archives: Business-to-business

Amazon’s Twitter Wish List, Perfect for the Coming Holidays

Amazon’s Twitter Wish List, Perfect for the Coming Holidays

amazon partners with twitter

Amazon has once again partnered with Twitter to push the ecommerce’s social media shopping efforts.

The holidays are fast approaching and there’s no more perfect time for Amazon to introduce their wish list integration to Twitter. According to the data gathered by the ecommerce giant, one in three of their customers added items to wish lists last year. This feature may become hugely popular as the holidays come closer.

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Best use of Facebook for B2B

Best use of Facebook for B2B

The Best use of Facebook for B2B Marketers

The Best use of Facebook for B2B Marketers is not the same as a personal facebook page.  Many B2B marketers approach Facebook and all social media with the knowledge of how to maintain a personal profile.  But getting results from a business Page for their B2B company is often a lot more difficult. There are two basic things you need to know about managing a Facebook Page for a B2B company.

1)  You must post compelling content that your audience (people who like the Page) will engage with. Facebook  only shows popular content in the newsfeed.

2)  The second thing to know is that you need to include calls to action, both on the Page and on any tabs to either get traffic on your company website or get them to take immediate action.

Of course, the list of ‘how to’ is endless and depends on the goals, the industry and the business itself.  It is much more difficult to see the results of social media efforts for B2B over B2C but the statistics support the benefits of implementing these methods.

A Really good resource for B2B Facebook page is Social Media B2B.  I have included a partial list of actions from their post:

Getting Likes for your Page

1. Ask your staff, customers, vendors, and partners — who already know you and like you — to “Like” your Facebook page first. (source)

What to Post or Facebook Content

2. Share lots of photos, and ask your fans to share photos. Facebook’s Photos remain the most viral feature of its platform. (source)

3. Write for the newsfeed, not for your wall. (source)

4. Don’t worry about writing too little. (source)

5. Be strategic and pay attention to signal vs. noise. (source)

6. Write posts that encourage sharing across the network. (source)

7. Boost your comments by asking questions, but stay away from simple Yes/No answers. (source)

8. Mix it up a little between videos, photos, questions and information (source)

9. Use the 80-20 rule to determine how much other people’s content to post versus your own. (source)

10. Use @ tagging strategically. (source)

Analyze and Optimize Content

24. Use Edgerank to find your best & worst days. (source)

25. Monitor which posts attract the most Likes and comments (eyeball), and use Insights – Facebook’s own analytics tool – for data. (source)

26. Track the Performance of Your Posts. (source)

Monetization or Calls to Action

27. Treat your Facebook “Like” button or link to your Facebook Page like any call to action – make it easy to spot. (source)

28. Encourage others to share your calls to action, so they show up in their newsfeed. (source)