Tag Archives: Boomers

A Flashback on Baby Boomer Generation Toys

A Flashback on Baby Boomer Generation Toys

Baby Boomer Toys

Baby Boomer Grandparents enjoyed playing with classic and vintage toys in their childhood ; some of these toys were wood-carved, some were made from new “space age”  materials. Reminiscing about the toys that were once loved by many and seeing how they change through the decades makes us nostalgic.  This is especially true of the baby boomer generation.

The boomers make up a great number of the population and they are willing and able to spend money on purchasing toys for their grandsons and daughters. The act of giving gifts is their way of bringing back good old memories.  This helps them to feel young and to create a new unforgettable memory when playing with their precious little ones.

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Video Picks This Week

Video Picks This Week
Video Picks This Week

Video Picks for the Week

Another week and new video picks for this week.  My week provided a random variety of stuff interesting videos but let’s start with the ever lovely Marilyn Monroe to celebrate her birthday.

Marilyn Monroe’s Birthday

Senior’s Learn to Blog

They think we are cute.  They make fun of us.  They think they are funny.  But not so fast young whipper snappers.

A Serious Look at Computers of 1987

Laptop Portable with 640k, 2 disc drives, lots of powerful software and an hour of run time.  Thank Goodness we have progressed from there.  Its fun to look back at the origins of laptops, gps, and other technology.  But 1987 was not that long ago.  26 years to be exact so what will we be seeing in the next 25 years?


Summer Snacks for Kids and Grandkids

Summer is here and that means time for fun and activity.  There is not much time for preparing foods so take a hint from these busy moms and make a quick, fun, easy to handle and nutritious roll up!

Going Gray Gracefully?

Going Gray Gracefully?

DixieThe Bravery of going gray!

Are you Going Gray gracefully or going gray kicking and screaming all the way.  Aging is difficult enough without the additional burden of going gray!  I look around and see some people wear it well while others of us simply get mousy and old.

My very good friend went gray early and dyed her hair for years.  Finally, one day she decided – enough is enough and went totally gray.  Her hair is gorgeous, her face is softened, her beauty is enhanced.  I only hope to be that lucky.

The New York Times profiled a group of women who organized a mini-demonstration that featured a “band of silver-haired marchers” who descended upon Times Square to bring in the noise, bring in the funk — hair color-style. Awesomely named the Silver Sisters Strut, co-organizer and model/blogger/brand Cindy Joseph said “[w]e are the women that we wished we would have had in our lives, if they weren’t busy getting their hair dyed.”

Aging is often hidden and marginalized in our society, and it’s thrilling to see women embracing a hair color and style that some consider undesirable because of its implications about age and sexuality.

All that being true, I still don’t know what I’ll do when I start to go gray. Am I a wimp because I’m not sure I’ll have the confidence to rock the sleek silver hair?


photo by: Faith R

How Boomers Use the Internet

How Boomers Use the Internet

Have Boomers Mastered the Internet?

If there is one thing I know it is that Boomers have always identified themselves and prided themselves on individualism.  I think we coined the phrase didn’t we?  We do not like to be lumped into a single group based on our age, gender, weight, race or anything else.  So why is it that those selling technology have not figured this out.  We are all different even though there may be some similarities it is no more a prerequisite than other psychographic or demographic markers.

With that in mind, I wanted to know how are Boomers using the Internet and what is the level of Digital understanding among those born between 1945 and1964.

All Eyes Turn To Boomers And How They Use The Internet


It’s not a good idea to plug all Boomers in as ultra-savvy in all things tech. Like their children and grandchildren, they are selective in which elements of technology they like to use. Nielsen paints a picture of “techno-Boomers

How Saavy are Boomers?

A Role for Seniors and Boomers in Digital Literacy | The Pulse of


Boomers and seniors are uniquely qualified to bring some ‘high-touch’ to the ‘high-tech’ by offering an historical perspective and unique ability to put sociability back into social media. Show the kids and grandkids that there’s

Truth or Stereotype?