This Week’s Video Picks for YouTube Babies –
We all think our babies and grandbabies are adorable, brilliant and the best things ever created. Of course, only some of us are correct. The Dalai-Nana is starting a new weekly post of the best baby videos for the week. These come from youtube BUT if you have some to share then let me know and I will feature your babies! Enjoy the Video Picks this Week.
Jimmy Kimmel Live – The Baby Bachelor – Episode 1 Jimmy Kimmel Live’s YouTube channel features clips and recaps of every episode from the late night TV show …
The First Taste: Saatchi & Saatchi at TEDxSydney
A delightful look at children taking their first taste of some challenging foods. Filmed in high speed, stunning clarity, this film allows us to almost see t…
A Little Girl appropriately repeating words she has clearly heard a view times…Worry About Yourself Video.